Thursday, March 21, 2019

Creation Crescendo

Fritz Photography

Our orchard is awash in colors as the blossoms and bees sing to the Creator.  It is glorious to peer into the flowers and see the elaborate design. 

Fritz Photography

The heart in the background was a lovely unplanned bokeh moment.  God's heart is all over his  creation.  

As the light danced before my lens, the gorgeous shadows of overlapping petals glowed and flickered in a momentary translucence.


Such beauty sings to my heart that God is alive and well.   Indeed Ecclesiastes 3:11 is written on our trees, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Fritz Photography
This flower, overcome with emotion, cries a single tear.

Endowed with a strong work ethic, the bee delights in his job.

Fritz Photography

Fritz Photography

Fritz Photography
I do a double take and think this ought be a humming caterpillar. 

Fritz Photography

Fritz Photography
Some flowers shower.

Fritz Photography

Wodehouse Younger

Monday, March 18, 2019

My Quirky Higgledy-Piggledy Dream House

The structure reminded me of an oversized birdhouse made from found materials.

An equally quirky comment from my literary husband.   Ben told me I could stand forlornly in my wedding gown in the upper front windows when he dies.  Miss Havisham and I like our strange houses.

Friday, March 15, 2019

When Jesus Enters into our Fear

When I took this photo last week, the lamb held my gaze.   Besides being adorably cute, he seemed so peaceful, trusting and innocent.   Seeing the lamb's diminutive size and sweet little face turned to me, spoke volumes that my Jesus would come as the Lamb of God.  Jesus took on real vulnerability by entering our sheepfold.    When we look at our own limitations and the world's worst brokenness, it is so easy to be fearful.    Yet redemptive, Jesus thinking transforms our worst circumstances by knowing our worth is not based on our actions and our future is a glorious one.   How I need to gaze at the Man Lamb, because Jesus scattered the wolves of fear forever and always by his completed work on the cross. 

May I never forget that my Great Shepherd chose to also dress as a sheep.  Jesus knows what it means to be falsely accused, to be jeered at with spit flying, to be rejected by his closest companions, to be hated unreasonably and abandoned in time of need.  He wore all our vulnerability and worst fears on his shoulders.    I meditate on words penned for me.

 Isaiah 53
Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering
 he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed

He was oppressed and afflicted,

    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter
Jesus willingly took on meekness.   Wolves of destruction and heartache growl and threaten, but Jesus entered the sheepfold as the lowly one, blood-smeared, and perfect.   I have seen how the wolves tuck tail at the scent of Jesus' blood.

In the thick of things, I have experienced how Jesus tenderly prepares godly shepherds that will care for us when we face fear.   Just as in old, Jesus still calls Peters to feed his lambs, feed his sheep and for emphasis he says it again.   Christ wants the best for his flock.   If I substitute "his flock" for ME,  it truly becomes transformative.   Jesus wants the best for me!

Jesus leads me to pleasant pasture where I am satisfied on the fullness of Himself.  However in my little sheep brain, sometimes I mistake the best pasture for a lesser one.  Yet even there grazing on the thinner, rock strewn grass, Jesus instills my soul with the verdancy of his unchangeable Love for me.  Jesus never lets me graze aimlessly.  What a relief that I can't diminish God's plans for me and that He has appointed the perfect pasture for my soul.

Jesus, O, sweet Lamb of God!     

Sonata in Pink