The Houston home of Margaret and Michael, my sister and brother-in-law, was flooded on Sunday morning. At first it was a few inches, but within a few short hours the water had risen to more than two feet. Thankfully, a rescue canoe helped take their family of five to safety. The water continued to rise through Sunday evening and Monday. I am unsure what has happened in the last 12 hours as the water level gage for that area ceased working. I do know that in the midst of the flood Jesus' love for them is deeper than the highest waters. He provided multiple friends that had dry homes to take them in and feed them. He gave their exhausted bodies rest after a traumatic 24 hours of wakefulness. There are still needs that seem overwhelming and murky.
Please pray for them as they have many decision to make. Please pray for their emotional well-being, physical health, and stamina. Their house, cars, and their first floor things are gone. When you lose so much, you treasure the one thing that is impossible to lose and that is your relationship with Jesus. Thankfully, Margaret and Michael serve the Living God whose hands carried Noah and his family through the greatest deluge, whose hands cradled our Messiah as he slept in the storm and whose hands will tenderly portage them to higher ground than they have ever known before. I hold that He has a much better future in store for Margaret and Michael than the best days of their past. God's tears may have wet the Houston streets, but his heart's blood flooded the streets of the entire world long before that.
When God invites us into deeper waters of loss, He continually out-gives himself. Please pray with me that the Houston flood of 2017 will not be linked in Margaret and Michael's memories to devastation, but rather this is the year that God flooded their hearts with a more devastatingly beautiful revelation of Himself.
Praying for Margaret and her family, thank you for sharing.